Chips Hardy

Chips Hardy was born in West London and educated at Latymer Upper and Downing College, Cambridge. He has written successfully for television, theatre, film and publication, alongside a career as a Global Creative Director. Paradox, dysfunction and the quest for redemption are ever-present themes in his work, culminating in the award-winning hit BBC1 and FX drama series “Taboo”, which he co-created, wrote and produced with his son, Tom Hardy.

Taboo went on to earn him the Writers Guild of Great Britain award for best long form TV drama. Work with comedian Dave Allen won him a British Comedy Award. His darkly comic play on disability and dislocation – Blue On Blue – has been revived to support disabled ex-service personnel. An earlier novel, “Each Day A Small Victory”, plotting the unyielding quest for survival amongst the wildlife inhabitants of an English country lay-by, was published in English and Polish.

An inveterate traveller, Hardy has survived machetes in Guadalupe, bombs in Gaza, local hospitality up the Orinoco and all manner of dangerous social transactions across four continents.

He lives in Richmond-On-Thames with his wife, Ann.

(Photo by Greg Williams Photography)


Chips discussing Seaton’s Orchid


Marcus Gibson


Margaret Ford